Professional, independent, impartial inventorIes help prevent disputes between Landlords and Tenants, over the return of deposits. Gone are the days when a Landlord can just deduct whatever amount they feels like to cover the cost of damages from the Tenants deposit. All deductions must be itemised, validated and any damage or loss verified before any deductions can be made from the deposits. This is why the inventory, check-in and check-out are essential when any tenancy agreement is signed.
An inventory is a legally binding document that provides a detailed report on the condition and contents of a rental property before the tenancy commences. Tenants are far more likely to look after their rental property knowing that they have to sign a very detail inventory compiled by an independent, impartial, inventory clerk. In the event of a deposit dispute the inventory report will be used as factual evidence by the regulatory body the Tenancy Deposit Scheme to aid resolution of any disputes.
As an independent third party, our reports detail the exact condition of the property and contents at the start and at the end of the tenancy. Any damage or missing items will be highlighted in the check-out report and this document can then be used to support the deposit claim.
Eye4Detail Inventories offer the following services throughout London:
Inventory make - lists the all of the fixtures, furniture, flooring, fittings, appliances, decor in the property
Check-in - lists the condition of items in the inventory make is carried out just before the tenant is due to move in or on the day with the tenant at the property
Check-out- is carried out on the day the tenant moves out and it compares the condition of the property in relation to the condition that it was in when the tenancy commenced
Mid-term inspections - usually carried out on a quarterly basis